Summer Programs

The  following summer programs will be available



AquaGo 1 & 2

  • May 14-June 25
  • Tuesdays 6:15-7:30

This is an 8 week learn to swim program with Artistic Swimming skills. No experience needed! The program starts as young as 5 years old. AquaGo teaches swimmers teamwork skills, physical literacy, and basic artistic swimming skills.



Artistic Swimming & Mermaids

  • July 27/28
  • 10:00am -12:00pm

This is a fun weekend program that allows swimmers to try out Artistic Swimming and Mermaids! Swimmers must be comfortable in deep water and be able to swim 25 metres unassisted.


Pre-Competitive conditioning & skills camp

  • August 6th to 29th/2024 (Tuesday and Thursday)
  • Tuesday 10:00 am -12:30 pm
  • Thursday 10:00 am-12:30 pm

This is for any returning swimmers or swimmers who have previous Artistic swimming experience and are considering joining the competitive team or just want to brush up on their skills before the season starts again. This program focuses on conditioning, strength training, flexability and artistic swimming skills. Must be comfortable in deep water and be able to swim at an aquago 5/6 level.

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